


作为与她朝夕相处的同事,面对这样骇人的暴行,我们感到无比的悲痛和惋惜。我们禁不住要问,为什么在这样一个宁静祥和的社会, 会发生如此骇人听闻的悲剧? 是为什么样的原因,驱使凶手在阳光下行凶?  谁又可能是凶手的下一个目标?  直到今天, 在凶案发生两个多月后, 我们的疑问依然没有答案. 在这里, 我们希望大使阁下能督促芬兰警方,早日缉拿凶手,伸张正义。


基于上述种种,我们在北京工作的诺基亚公司员工,希望大使阁下能够理解我们缉拿凶手,渴望真相的迫切心情,督促芬兰有关部门加大调查力度,也避免这样的悲剧再度发生,免除人们的恐惧, 恢复公众的信心。


                                       诺基亚(中国)投资有限公司 北京全体员工                2011年11月16日

A letter to Finland Embassy in P.R.China

Your honored ambassador,

On Sept. 5th 2011, a sunny Monday as usual, a brutal crime claimed the life of Yin Yuqing; a generous, kind-hearted mother and wife; our beloved colleague. The crime scene is just about 130 meters from Nokia Hermia office, Tampere, Finland.

Life is never the same again for Yuqing’s family and friends. As a Nokia colleague who worked with her for years, we could not help asking WHY?  Who could have attacked an innocent civilian out of a peaceful community? What kind of hatred can drive the killer to commit such an act? Will there be another victim? Two months had passed; these questions are still left unanswered.  The emptiness of not knowing the truth has left a big hole in those loved ones.

We look upon Finland as a harmonious and safe country, where many of us had traveled frequently. Finnish people are friendly, generous and warm-hearted. However, what happened on that sunny Monday afternoon shed a shadow to our heart.  Is it still a safe place to travel or work?  We, Nokia China employees in Beijing, petition that you could press the Finnish police department to take further actions to find the killer at large and bring the perpetrator to justice.

We look forward to your feedback and may Yuqing rest in peace.


               All employees of Nokia (China) Investment Co.                         16-11-2011    
